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All teams— no matter how effective— can attain a next level.

Maybe your managers lack experience or confidence. Or perhaps your teams are more focused on appearances and turf, rather than outcomes. Or maybe it’s because not everyone understands where the organization is headed as a whole, and more importantly, how it will get there. These issues quickly lead to teams who lack efficiency, effectiveness, and growth.

At Growing Edge, we’ve created a practical methodology that includes our most effective and easy to implement tools to put into the hands of owners, leaders, and teams.

This is Next Level Teams. 

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- A Comprehensive Team Assessment
- Situational Leadership Development
- Effective Meeting Management
- Position and Team Profile Development
- Reimagining Accountability + Feedback
- Cultivating Psychological Safety + High Performance
- Emotional Intelligence Development

-  12 Team Learning Sessions (2 hrs. biweekly for 3 months)

-  Emphasis on Practice and Application between sessions


Kick off session + assessment
Intention: To create a clear invitation and commitment to the development process.  
Collaborators walk away with: ​A better understanding of the factors in the organization that create and inhibit interdependence, shared commitment to making this training process successful, shared understanding of existing organizational purpose, internal vision, and mission.
Cultivating psychological safety + high performance
Intention: To understand and spread a sense of belonging within our organization.  
Collaborators walk away with: shared understanding of why psychological safety is critical to any organization, ​commitment to create belonging within the organization, clear team strategies for creating a sense of belonging. 
Emotional intelligence 
Intention: To equip leaders with usable insights into how Emotional Intelligence contributes to effective leadership. 
Collaborators walk away with: A better understanding of how emotions drive behavior, the four elements of emotional intelligence, and how to use this knowledge effectively. 
observer model
Intention: To generate awareness of how we move through the world as an observer, influencing our future and impacting others.
Collaborators walk away with: The power, influence and barriers generated from our beliefs, new possibilities for progress and getting better results, and the knowledge for how to create a more powerful leadership presence.  
Intention: To provide leaders with a wider range of responses when building trust and dealing with breakdowns in trust. 
Collaborators walk away with: A better understanding of trust as an assessment, the introduction of Care, Sincerity, Competence & Reliability, and shared commitment to building trust as a team and as a leader.
Intention: To create a practice for gaining commitment to change. 
Collaborators walk away with: Shared understanding of the power of a collaborative approach, shared understanding of how to generate commitment to change in 5 minutes or less, and practice with a process for generating change within teams.
Personal Performance Guide;
Highest Contribution + Behaviors
Intention: To identify and support each individual’s highest contribution to the team. 
Collaborators walk away with: The team is aligned around each team members highest contribution, the team is aligned around supportive and non-supportive behaviors in service of their highest contribution, and the team is committed to providing on-going feedback to each other around behaviors. 
the art of compelling invitations
Intention: To equip leaders with a process for making compelling invitations. 
Collaborators walk away with:  Clarity about a 4-step process to compel others towards action, practice framing invitations using the process, and a commitment to making compelling invitations between sessions. 
Intention: To understand various levels of competence and apply the appropriate leadership response. 
Collaborators walk away with: A shared understanding of individual and team learning levels, a method for measuring competence, and practice identifying and executing leadership responses that match job level competence. 
Intention: To create a meeting process and template that supports more effective meetings. 
Collaborators walk away with: A greater understanding of what makes a great meeting, creation of a set of meeting processes for this team, commitment to practicing the meeting process and, continually improving upon it. 
Intention: To develop a culture of accountability in your organization. 
Collaborators walk away with: Shared definitions of: responsibility, feedback, commitment, and accountability, along with guidelines, tools and language to give, receive, and hold space for reception and reaction to feedback, and identification of and commitment to give feedback between sessions. 
Position profiles
Intention: To gain a shared understanding of individual roles and responsibilities, performance measurements and team interdependence.  
Collaborators walk away with: Clarity about the purpose, major responsibilities and performance measurements of each position on this team, a commitment to support each other and hold each other accountable to performance measurements, an identified and scheduled regular conversations about responsibilities and performance. 
Purpose, vision, mission,
goals + strategies
Intention: To gain clarity around the guiding principles of your organization.   
Collaborators walk away with: A team that has generated a shared purpose and mission, a team who understands and has practiced using the Mobius process for creating a vision, goals and strategies, and processes for on-going evaluation of each and, iterations is in place.
Team Profile
Intention: To gain clarity and alignment about a team’s purpose, major responsibilities and performance measurements. 
Collaborators walk away with: A team purpose; major responsibilities and performance measurements are in place, a sense of connection where teams report being clear about this team’s purpose, major responsibilities and performance measurements, and a regular time scheduled for this team to review and evaluate their performance.
individual and team flow
Intention: To redefine performance by understanding and implementing flow practices. 
Collaborators walk away with: A shared understanding of the concept of Flow, identification of top triggers for a team to foster flow, and commitment to practices that generate flow.
coaching for performance + development
Intention: To impart coaching and facilitation skills to leaders. 
Collaborators walk away with: A shared understanding of how coaching works as a leadership methodology, the identification of an internal coaching practice, first coaching session is mapped and scheduled.
Interviewing + Onboarding
Intention: To create an interviewing and on-boarding system. 
Collaborators walk away with: A shared understanding of how behavior based interviewing works, generation of an internal process for team interviewing, creation of an on-boarding template.
Intention: To gain insights into self and team members. 
Collaborators walk away with: A shared understanding of the Four-Fold Way archetypes and the leadership power of each, identification of primary egoic responses to stress, a shared commitment to support and hold each other accountable to choosing leadership power over egoic response.
Sharing Leadership + the Mobius model
Intention: To understand the process for gaining shared commitment to a vision and for managing the process to bring the vision to life. 
Collaborators walk away with: A sense of clarity about when to apply your inner leader and your inner manager, the opportunity to practice fundamentals of active listening, and a sense of clarity about how to create commitment to a shared vision.
systems development + the mobius model
Intention: To understand how develop systems using whole systems thinking. 
Collaborators walk away with: At least one major system or process in your organization is used laying out a plan for its improvement,  team members who are clear about their role and the roles of other team members in developing this system, and measurements of success including timelines are in place for development of this system.
understanding conflict as the positive driver for change
Intention: To develop the skills of transforming conflict into creativity. 
Collaborators walk away with: A shared understanding of the Mobius process for creative dialogue, practice using the components of creative dialogue, a shared commitment to surface and address conflict in the organization.
Creating your US story
Intention: To discover and declare the unique elements that make us, us
Collaborators walk away with: A shared understanding of how this team/organization was created and the critical inflection moments in its history, a coherent story highlighting the purpose of our team/organization, commitment to using the story across the organization.

Growing Edge Facilitation

2826 W 43rd St

Minneapolis, MN  55410


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